AKTU Notes | Fundamentals of sustainability engineering Notes
[MNGT 501] Fundamentals of Sustainability Engineering Notes Unit 2 LINK
[MNGT 501] Fundamentals of Sustainability Engineering Notes Unit 3 LINK
[MNGT 501] Fundamentals of Sustainability Engineering Notes Unit 4 LINK
[MNGT 501] Fundamentals of Sustainability Engineering Notes Unit 5 LINK
Unit-1 Concept of sustainability:
Introduction, need and concept of sustainable development, Objectives of Sustainable Development, Millennium
Development Goals & Sustainable Development Goals, Clean development
mechanism (CDM), Environmental legislations in India.
Unit-2 Environment and development linkages:
Globalization and environment,
Population, Poverty and Pollution, Components of sustainability, Biodiversity,
Natural Resources.
Unit-3 Ecosystem integrity:
Clean air and water, Equity, Quality of Life, Prevention, Precaution, Preservation and Public participation, Role of developed countries in the development of developing countries.
Unit-4 International practices for sustainable development:
Rio Principles – Agenda 21 – Conventions, Tokyo Declaration, Strategies for implementing eco-development programmes, Urbanization and Sustainable Cities, global efforts towards achieving SDGs.
Unit-5 Way towards sustainable development:
Sustainability indicators,
Empowerment of Women, Children, Youth, Indigenous People, Constraints and
barriers for sustainable development, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).