Unit 3 | Data Structure Notes | AKTU Notes

Unit 3 | Data Structure Notes | AKTU Notes


    - Searching Algorithms are designed to check for an element or retrieve an element from any data structure where it is stored.
    - There are two searching techniques : 
    a. Linear search (sequential) b. Binary search

    Linear Search

    - It is the simplest searching algorithm
    - Each element read one by one sequentially and compared with the desired elements is known as linear search .
    - It is widely used to search an element from the unordered list
    - Worst-case time complexity of linear search is O(n)
    - The space complexity of linear search is O(1).

    Linear Search

    Algorithm of Linear Search

    Linear_search(Array, ele, n)
     1. for i = 0 to n-1 then check 
     2. if (Array[i] = ele ) then return i 
     3. enfor 
     4. return -1 

    - First, we have to traverse the array elements using a for loop.
    - In each Iteration, compare the search element with the current array element, and
    - If the element matches, then return the index of the corresponding array element.
    - If the element does not match, then move to the next element.
    - If there is no match or the search element is not present in the given array, return -1.

    Binary Search

    - It is search technique that works efficiently on sorted lists.
    - we must ensure that the list is sorted.
    - Binary search follows the divide and conquer approach
    - Array divided into two parts and compared with middle index of the element of the array 
    - If the middle elements matched with the desired element then we return the index of the element 
    - Time complexity of the algo is O(logn).

    Binary Search

    Algorithm of Binary Search

    BS(arr, l,r,ele)
    1. if l>r then return -1 stop 
    2. mid=l+(r-l)/2
    3. if arr[mid]==ele then return mid stop 
    4. if arr[mid ] < ele then return BS(arr,mid+1,r,ele) //for left array
    5. if arr[mid ] > ele then return BS(arr,l,mid-1,ele) //for right array 

    - If ele== mid, then return mid.Else, compare the element to be searched with m. 
    - If ele > mid, compare x with the middle element of the elements on the right side of mid. This is done by setting l to l = mid + 1. 
    - Else, compare ele with the middle element of the elements on the left side of mid. This is done by setting r to r = mid-1


    - It is a process of mapping keys, and values into the hash table by using a hash function. 
    - It is done for faster access to elements. 
    - we transform large key to small key using hash function 
    - In Hashing, Using the hash funcƟon, we can calculate the address at which the value can be stored.
    - Each element is assigned a key. By using that key we can access the element in O(1) time.
    - In a hash table , we have number of fixed slots to store the value .
    - Hash Key = Key Value % Number of Slots in the Table
    - Examples of Hashing in Data Structure:
        - In schools, roll number to retrieve information about that student. 
        - A library has an infinite number of books. The librarian assigns a unique number to each book. This unique number helps in identifying the position of the books on the bookshelf.

    Hash function and their types 

    - The hash function is used to arbitrary size of data to fixed-sized data.
    - hash = hashfunction(key)

    a. Division method :
    - The hash function H is defined by :
    - H(k) = k (mod m) or H(k) = k (mod m) + 1
    - Here k (mod m) denotes the remainder when k is divided by m.
    - Example: k=53 , m=10 then h(53)=53mod10 =3

    b. Midsquare method :
    - The hash function H is : H(k) = h(k*k)=l
    - l is obtained by deleting digits from both end of k2.
    - Example : k=60 
    - therefore k=3600 
    - then remove digits from both end we get h(k) =60

    c. Folding method :
    - The key k is partitioned into a number of parts, k1, ... ,kr, 
    - Then the parts are added together H(k) = k1 + k2 + ....+ kr
    - Now truncate the address upto the digit based on the 
    size of hash table.
    - Example : k = 12345
    k1 = 12, k2 = 34, k3 = 5
    s = k1 + k2 + k3= 12 + 34 + 5= 51

    Hash Collision

    - hash collision or hash clash is when two pieces of data in a hash table share the same hash value 

    Collision resolution technique 

    - We have two method to resolve this collision in our hashing. These are following below :
     1. Open addressing 2.seperate chaining 

    1. Open addressing 

    - Open addressing stores all elements in the hash table itself.
    - It systematically checks table slots when searching for an element.
    - In open addressing, the load factor (λ) cannot exceed 1.
    - Load Factor (λ) = Number of Elements Stored / Total Number of Slots
    - Probing is the process of examining hash table locations.

    - Linear Probing 
       - it systematically checks the next slot in a linear manner until an empty slot is found. 
       - This process conƟnues unƟl the desired element is located
       - method of linear probing uses the hash function
       h(k,i)= (k %m + i) mod m , where m is size of table 

    - Quadratic Probing 
       - it checks slots in a quadraƟc sequence (e.g., slot + 1, slot + 4, slot + 9, and so on) until an empty slot is found. 
       - This continues until the desired element is located or the table is entirely probed.
       - method of Quadratic probing uses the hash function 
       - h(k,i)= (k %m + i^2) mod m

    - Double Probing
       - it uses a second hash funcƟon to calculate step size for probing, providing a different sequence of slots to check.
       - This continues until an empty slot is found or the desired element is located.
       - method of Quadratic probing uses the hash function
       - H1(k) = k%N and H2(k) = P - (k%P)
       - H(k, i) = (H1(k) + i*H2(k))%N 
       Where p is the prime Number less than k

    2. Seperate Chaining

    - Maintain chains of elements with the same hash address.
    - Use an array of pointers as the hash table.
    - Size of the hash table can be the number of records.
    - Each pointer points to a linked list where elements with the same hash address are stored.
    - Optionally, maintain the linked list in sorted order, with each element containing the whole record including the key.
    - To insert, find the hash value with a hash function, and insert the element into the linked list.
    - For searching, find the hash key in the hash table, then search the element in the corresponding linked list.
    - Deletion involves a search Operation and then deleting the element from the linked list. 

    Garbage collection

    - Garbage Collection in hashing reclaims memory/resources from deleted elements that are no longer in use
    - It enhances hash table efficiency. Typically Automatic, it's managed by the data structure or language Runtime. 
    - Mechanisms vary by language/Implementation.

    Insertion Sort 

    - This is an in-place comparison-based Sorting algorithm.  
    - Here, a sub-list is maintained which is always sorted.  
    - The array is searched sequentially and unsorted items are moved and inserted into the sorted sub-list (in the same 
    - average and worst case complexity are of Ο(n²)

    Insertion sort

    Algorithm of Insertion sort 

    1. for j =2 to length[A]
    2. set key = A[j] and i=j-1
    3. while i > 0 and A[i] > key then 
    4. A[i + 1] = A[i]
    5. i = i – 1
    6. endwhile 
    7. A[i + 1] = key 
    8. endfor 

    Bubble Sort 

    - Bubble sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly
    - swapping the adjacent element if they are in wrong order.
    - It is very efficient in large sorting jobs. For n data items, this method requires n(n – 1)/2 comparisons.
    - Worst-case time complexity of algo is O(n²).

    Bubble Sort

    Algorithm of Bubble sort 

    bubblesort(Arr, n ): 
    1. for i=1 to n-1: 
    2. for j=1 to n-i : 
    3. if arr[j]>arr[j+1] then swap(arr[j],arr[j+1])
    4. endfor 
    5. endfor 

    Selection sort

    - In this sorting , we find the smallest element in the given and moves it final position of the array .
    - We then reduce the effective size of the array by one element and repeat the process on the smaller sub-array.
    - The process stops when the effective size of the array becomes 1
    - Worst Time complexity of algorithm is O(n^2).

    Selection sort

    Algorithm of Selection sort 
    1. Selection-Sort (A,n) : 
    2. for j = 1 to n – 1:
    3. sm = j 
    4. for i = j + 1 to n: 
    5. if A [i] < A[sm] then sm = i 
    6. Swap (A[j], A[sm])

    Quick sort

    Quick Sort
    Sorted Array:
    15 25 25 35 45 50 80 90

    - It is based on the Divide and Conquer algorithm 
    - Picks an element as a pivot and parƟƟons the given array 
    - Placing the pivot in its correct posiƟon in the sorted array.
    - Then these two sub-arrays are sorted separately. 

    Algorithm of quick sort 
    1. partition(arr,l,r): 
    2. pivot=arr[r]
    3. for j=l upto r : 
    4. check arr[j] < pivot then 
    5. do swap(arr[l],arr[j]) and l++
    6. endfor 
    7. swap(arr[l],arr[r])
    8. return l 

    1. QUICKSORT (array A, l, r): 
    2. if (l < r) : 
    3. p = partition(A, l, r) 
    4. QUICKSORT (A, l, p - 1) 
    5. QUICKSORT (A, p + 1, r) 
    6. endif 

    Complexity of Quick Sort :

    - Best TC: O(nlogn) SC: O(1)
    - Average TC : O(nlogn)
    - Worst TC: O(n^2)

    Merge Sort

    - Merge sort is a sorting algorithm that uses the idea of divide and conquer.
    - This algorithm divides the array into two subarray , sorts them separately and then merges them.

    Merge Sort

    Complexity of Merge Sort :

    - Best TC: O(nlogn) SC: O(n) 
    - Average TC : O(nlogn)
    - Worst TC: O(nlogn)

    Algorithm of Merge Sort:

    1. mergesort(arr, l, r) 
    2. if l < r 
    3. set mid = l+(r-l)/2 
    4. mergesort(arr, l, mid) 
    5. mergesort(arr, mid + 1, r) 
    6. MERGE (arr, l, mid, r) 
    7. endif 
    8. END mergesort

    Program of Merge Sort:

    1. void merge(int a[], int l, int m, int r): 
    2. set n1 = m - l + 1, n2 = r - m 
    3. initialize Left[n1], Right[n2]; 
    4. // copy the left data in left array 
    5. for i=0 upto n1 : 
    6. Left[i] = a[l + i] 
    7. // copy the right data in right array
    8. for j=0 upto n2 : 
    9. Right[j] = a[m + 1 + j] 
    10. set i = 0, j = 0 ,k = l 
    11. while (i < n1 && j < n2) : 
    12. if(Left[i] <= Right[j]) : 
    13. a[k] = Left[i++] 
    14. else : 
    15. a[k] = Right[j++] 
    16. k++; 
    17. while (i<n1) : 
    18. a[k++] = Left[i++]; 
    19. while (j<n2) : 
    20. a[k++] = Right[j++];

    Heap Sort

    Heap Sort

    - It finds largest element and puts it at the end of array, then
    - second largest item is found and this process is repeated for all other elements. Heapsort is non-stable sorting 
    - The general approach of heap sort is as follows :
        - From the given array, build the initial max heap.
        - Interchange the root (maximum) element with the last 
        - Use repetitive downward operation from root node to rebuild the
    - heap of size one less than the Starting.
        - Repeat step (a) and (b) until there are no more elements.

    Algorithm of Heapsort sort 

    1. for i = length(arr)/2-1 to 0 
    2. Heapify(arr,i) 

    1. Initializes l=2*i+1 , r=2*i+2, largest =i 
    2. if l < n and A[l] > A[i] then largest=l 
    3. if r <n and A[r] > A [largest] then largest = r 
    4. if largest != i : 
    5. swap(A[i],A[largest])
    6. Heapify(A,largest) 
    HeapSort(A) : 
    1. BuildHeap(A)
    2. for j = length [A] down to 1
    3. swap(A[1] , A[j])
    4. Heapify (A, 0,j)

    Complexity of Heap sort :

    - Best TC: O(nlogn) SC: O(1) 
    - Average TC : O(nlogn) 
    - Worst TC: O(nlogn)

    Radix Sort

    - Radix sort is the linear sorting algorithm that is used for integers. It is stable sorting .
    - In which,according to digit sorting is performed that is started from the right to left digit.
    - Example : we have 7 elements in array to sort the array using radix technique.
    Arr=[329,457, 657, 839, 436, 720, 355]

    Radix Sort

    Algorithm of Radix sort 

    1. max = largest element in arr 
    2. d = number of digits in max 
    3. Now, create d buckets of size 0 - 9 
    4. for i -> 0 to d 
    5. sort the arr elements using counting sort 

    Complexity of Radix sort :

    - Best Time Complexity: O(n+k) SC: O(n) 
    - Average Time Complexity : O(nk) 
    - Worst Time Complexity: O(nk)

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