Unit 1 | Data Structure Notes | AKTU Notes

Unit 1 | Data Structure Notes | AKTU Notes

    Data structure 

    - Data Structure is a branch of Computer Science.

    - A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize all the data items.

    - used for processing, retrieving, and storing data. 

    Why do we use data structure 

    - Necessary for designing efficient algorithms.

    - It helps to organization of all data items within the memory.

    - It requires less time. 

    - Easy access to the large database.

    Classification/ Types of Data structure 

    - Linear data structure - allows data elements to be arranged in a sequential or linear fashion.

    Example: arrays, linked lists, stack, and queue etc.

    - Non-Linear data structure - It is a form of data structure where the data elements do not stay arranged linearly or sequentially.

    Example: Tree, graph etc.

    Terminologies in Data structure 

    - Data -- Data are values or set of values.

    - Data Item -- Data item refers to single unit of values. 

    - Entity -- An entity is that which contains certain attributes or properties, which may be assigned values.

    - Entity Set -- Entities of similar attributes form an entity set.

    - Field -- Field is a single elementary unit of information representing an attribute of an entity.

    - Record -- Record is a collection of field values of a given entity.  

    - File -- File is a collection of records of the entities in a given entity set.

    Datatypes in C programming 

    - Primitive Data Types – It is the most basic data types that are used for representing simple values such as:

    -- Integers – 23, 33432 ,342342 etc.

    -- Float – 23.2342, 232.00,2342.0000,323.323 etc.

    -- Characters - ‘2’, ‘a, ‘$’, ‘@,’g’ etc.

    -- Void – used to specify the type of functions which returns nothing.

    - Non-Primitive Data Types – It is derived from primitive data types. 

    -- Arrays

    -- Linked-list

    -- Queue

    -- Stack etc.


    - An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure of any problem. 

    - Criteria of an algorithm -- 

    1. Input 

    2. Output 

    3. Definiteness 

    4. Finiteness

    5. Effectiveness

    Way of analyzing an algorithm -- 

    1.Best case 2. Average case 3. Worst case

    Complexity of an algorithm -- 

    - Complexity in algorithms refers to the amount of resources required to solve a problem or perform a task.

    - Resources may be time and space.

    Types of Complexities of an algorithm -- 

    - Time complexity of an algorithm is the amount of time it needs to run to completion.

    - Space complexity of an algorithm is the amount of space it needs to run to completion.

    - order of Complexity of an algorithm -- 

    O(1) < O(logn) < O(n) < O(nlogn) < O(n^2) < O(n^3) < O(2^n) < O(3^n) < O(n!)

    Asymptotic Notation 

    It is used to write possible running time for an algorithm.It also referred to as 'best case' and 'worst case' scenarios respectively.

    - Big-oh notation:

       - It is the method of expressing the upper bound of an algorithm's running time. 

       - It is the measure of the longest amount of time. The function f (n) = O (g (n)) 

       - f(n) <= c.g(n) where n>n0

       - Example: 3n+2=O(n) as 3n+2≤4n for all n≥2 

    Big-oh notation

    - Big-Omega notation:

       - It is the method of expressing the lower bound of an algorithm's running time. 

       - It is the measure of the smallest amount of time. The function f (n) = Ω(g (n)) 

       - f(n) >= c.g(n) where n>n0

       - Example: 3n-3= Ω (n) as 3n-3 >=2n for all n≥3 

    Big-Omega notation

    - Theta(Θ) notation:

       - It is the method of expressing the both lower and upper bound of an algorithm's running time. 

       - It is the measure of the average amount of time. The function f (n) = Θ(g (n)) 

       - c1.g(n) <= f(n) <= c2.g(n) where n>n0

       - Example: 3n-3=O(n) as 2n<= 3n-3 <= 4n for all n≥3

    Theta(Θ) notation

    Time-Space Trade-Off in Algorithms

    - It is a problem solving technique in which we solve the problem:

       - Either in less time and using more space, or

       - In very little space by spending more time.

    - The best algorithm is that which helps to solve a problem that requires less space in memory as well as takes less time to generate the output.

    - it is not always possible to achieve both of these conditions at the same time.

    Abstract Data type (ADT) 

    - It is a type (or class) for objects whose behaviour is defined by a set of values and a set of operations. 

    - The definition of ADT only mentions what operations are to be performed but not how these operations will be implemented. 

    - Example : if we talk about LIST then here we can store multiple value and it has many built in function so that we will work on that data . 

    Function such as insert(), delete(), pop(), remove() etc.


    - An array is a collection of items stored at contiguous memory locations.

    - Array is linear data structure. It is one of the simplest DS.

    - The idea is to store Multiple items of the same type together.

    - Syntax -- type variable_name [size];

    - Example – int arr[10]; this is a array declaration of the array now here we can only store 10 integer values in this array 

    - Array has two type:

    Array representation

    1. One dimensional 2. Multidimensional 

    - One dimensional Array :

       - Array represented as one-one dimension such as row or column and that holds finite number of same type of data items is called 1D array .

       - Example -- int arr[10]; 

    - Multi-dimensional Array :

       - Array represented as more than one dimension . there are no restriction to number of dimensions that we can have.

       - Example -- int arr[2][4][5]; 

    Application of Array : 

    - Arrays can be storing data in tabular format

    - It is used to implement vectors, and lists in C++ STL.

    - Arrays are used as the base of all sorting algorithms.

    - It is used to implement other DS like stack, queue, etc.

    - Used for implementing matrices. 

    - Graphs are also implemented as arrays in the form of an adjacency matrix etc.

    Sparse Matrix 

    - It is matrix in which most of the elements of the matrix have zero value .

    - Only we stored non-zero elements with triples- (Row, Column, value).

    - Array representation of Sparse Matrix –

    Array representation of Sparse Matrix

    Linked list representation of sparse matrix –

    Linked list representation of sparse matrix

    Linked List

    - A linked list is a collection of “nodes” connected together via links. 

    - These nodes consist of the data to be stored and a pointer to the address of the next element .

    - Linked list has multiple types: 

    1. singly linked list 2. Doubly linked list 3. Circular linked list

    Singly Linked List (SLL) 

    - It is a linear data structure in which the elements are not stored in contiguous memory locations . 

    - Each element is connected only to its next element using address.

    Singly Linked list

    Representation Node of SLL :

    struct node{ 

     int data; //data item for storing value of the node 

     struct node *next; //address of the next node 


    Create Node of SLL:

    struct Node* Node(int data){

     struct Node* newNode=(structNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node ));



     return newNode;


    Advantage & Disadvantage of singly linked list 


    - very easier for the accessibility of a node in the forward direction.

    - the insertion and deletion of a node are very easy.

    - require less memory when compared to doubly, circular linked list.

    - very easy data structure 

    - Insertion and deletion of elements don’t need the movement of all the elements when compared to an array.

    Disadvantages :

    - Accessing the preceding node of a current node is not possible as there is no backward traversal.

    - Accessing of a node is very time-consuming.

    Doubly Linked List(DLL)

    - A DLL is a complex version of a SLL .

    - A DLL has each node pointed to next node as well as previous node.

    Doubly Linked List

    Representation Node of DLL :

    struct node


     int data; //data item for storing value of the node 

     struct node *next; //address of the next node 

     struct node *prev; //address of the previous node 


    Create Node of DLL:

    struct Node* Node(int data){

     struct Node* newNode=(structNode*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node ));

     newNode->prev= NULL;



     return newNode;


    Advantage & Disadvantage of DLL 


    - It is bi-directional traversal

    - It is efficient deletion

    - Insertion and deletion at both ends in constant time

    Disadvantages :

    - Increased memory usage

    - More complex Implementation

    - It is slower traversal

    Circular Linked List (CLL) 

    - All nodes are connected to form a circle. 

    - the first node and the last node are connected to each other which forms a circle. 

    - There is no NULL at the end.

    Circular Linked List (CLL)

    Operations on CLL

    - Insert at beginning 

    - Insert at specific Position

    - Insert at end

    - delete at beginning 

    - delete at specific position 

    - delete at end

    Advantage & disadvantage of CLL 


    - No need for a NULL pointer

    - Efficient insertion and deletion

    - Flexibility

    Disadvantages :

    - Traversal can be more complex

    - Reversing of circular list is a complex as SLL. 

    Row major order & Column major order 

    int arr[2][3]=

    { {1,2,3},

     {4,5,6} } //2D array

    //row major order 


    //column major order 


    Address of any element in 1D array

    Address of A[I] = B + W * (I – LB) 

    I =element, B = Base address, LB = Lower Bound

    W = size of element in any array(in byte), 

    Example: Given the base address of an array A[1300 ………… 1900] as 

    1020 and the size of each element is 2 bytes in the memory, find the 

    address of A[1700]. 

    Solution : 

    Address of A[I] = B + W * (I – LB) 

    Address of A[1700] = 1020 + 2 * (1700 – 1300) 

     = 1020 + 2 * (400) = 1020 + 800=1820 

    Address of any element in 2D array

    Row major order : A[I][J] = B + W * ((I – LR) * N + (J – LC))

    I = Row element , j=column element , LR=lower limit of row

    N = No. of column given in the matrix , LC=lower limit of column

    Example: Given an array, arr[1………10][1…….15] with base value 100 and the size of each element is 1 Byte in memory. Find the address of arr[8][6] with the help of row-major order.


    Address of A[I][J] = B + W * ((I – LR) * N + (J – LC)) 


    N = Upper Bound column – Lower Bound column + 1 

    A[8][6] = 100 + 1 * ((8 – 1) * 15 + (6 – 1)) = 100 + 1 * ((7) * 15 + (5)) 

    = 100 + 1 * (110)=210 

    Column major order : 

    A[I][J] = B + W * ((J– LC) * M + (I – LR))

     N = No. of rows given in the matrix 

    Example: Given an array, arr[1………10][1………15] with base value 100 and the size of each element is 1 Byte in memory. Find the address of arr[8][6] with the help of row-major order.


    A[I][J] = B + W * ((J– LC) * M + (I – LR)) 


    M = Upper Bound row – Lower Bound row + 1 

    A[I][J] = B + W * ((J – LC) * M + (I – LR)) 

    A[8][6] = 100 + 1 * ((6 – 1) * 10 + (8 – 1)) 

    = 100 + 1 * ((5) * 10 + (7))= 100 + 1 * (57)= 157

    Difference between Array and Linked List

    Difference between Array and Linked List

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